
Carol's Dragonfly Ranch Home of Carol's Pond September 25, 2024 I must apologize for going so long between post. I have been doing some serious reading, often 2 books a day, but the eyes say stop for a while. My livestock, Samantha, Sam, Bob, Sam Jr. and Samantha Jane have been in hiding. I think it was just too hot for them. But I have seen a very young one and I have named it, Little One. Little One might be 2 inches long and is probable Sam's relation. Of course these are small lizards. Don't ask me what kind, I don't know. Whitey, the great egret has been missing too, but I finally saw him on my neighbors pond. But now he is back to Carol's Pond, along with his mate or friend or whatever. Blue Boy is still MIA. Last week the new windows came in and were installed. I have rejected several of them for various reasons. So now we wait for the replacements. If I was the supervisor at the factory someone would be looking for a new job with
  Carol’s Dragon Fly Ranch Home of Carol’s Pond July 10, 2024 Well the big excitement was hurricane Beryl. The Houston area was hit hard. Fortunately that is 4 to 6 hours south of me and all I got was 2 inches of rain. There was very little wind but one of my neighbors closer to County Road 4510 lost a tree that had the road blocked. He has several more that should be removed. Speaking of such, There are 3 pine trees on the east side of me that may belong to me. If so, they are coming out. I like pine trees but some idiot planted them to close to my drive and they have destroyed 2 sections. My neighbor does not want me to take them out, because of the shade they provide. But unless he wants to pay to have my drive fixed, they are coming out. Some of my live stock (lizards) have been around. I have seen Samantha, Sam Jr. and Sam. I have not seen Jane or Bob. But I did see a Bald Eagle. It and a buzzard were dining on something in a field on County
  May 27, 2024 Carol's Dragon Fly Ranch Home of Carol's Pond I have no excuse for the time between post. Lazy is the word. The wildlife have been very active this spring. Samantha, Jane, Sam and Jr as well as Bob have been here. Bob got his name because part of his tail is missing. Samantha was flirting with me. She does not run when I go out on the deck. I guess she realizes that I am not a threat. But there has been some other wildlife around that were not welcome. Snakes. I hate snakes and I kill them if at all possible. One of them and I played hide and seek for most of the day. Sadly it escaped. However the next day there were 3 of them on the ramp for my power chair. Two of them were mating and a third was watching and waiting. I chopped at them with my spade which was too dull to cut them in half but I did inflict damage. The watcher escaped unharmed. And then I look at the other ramp and there was one heading to the orgy. It did not make
  April 7, 2024 Carol's Dragon Fly Ranch Carol's Pond It has been a busy time here and a sad time. Yesterday, I attended a Celebration of Life for Janis Liles. Her husband Bob and I have been friends since Kindergarten at Central Grade School. Janis was a nice person. I will miss her. The Celebration was in Austin, TX. Austin is a little over 300 miles from Carol's Pond. I left early yesterday morning and came home that same day? Why? Because of the eclipse, Holiday Inn wanted $289 for one night. Insane. I wouldn't pay that for the whole building. The media has created an eclipse frenzy. I have seen one and it is no big deal. But what concerns me is the manipulation of the people and the government by the media. It makes me nervous. The trip to Austin took longer than I thought. I ignored the GPS which wanted me to go through Dallas. I won't drive in Dallas or Houston without a navigator with me. Now I can add Austin to that list which al
  Carol's Dragonfly Ranch Home of Carol's Pond February 19, 2024 For better than a month, my left breast has been very tender and painful. So I went to the doctor and a few minutes ago, the hospital called and I have a mammogram and ultrasound scheduled. I do not believe in chemo or radiation. As far as surgery is concerned, no, I have been cut on 15 times and that is enough. But I do want to know what is going on. Is it benign or malignant? While breast cancer in men is rare it does occur. My doctor said he had 5 or 6 male patients with breast cancer. The weather has cooled off and that is disgusting. I do wish Mother Nature would stop with the temper tantrums. Cold weather sucks. We have had sufficient rain so the water level in the Carol's Pond is in good shape. That means that Goat Island is back. Up on County Road 4510 there are daffodils blooming. Our daffodils are up but are not blooming yet. Our neighbor Ben, had a yard full of tiny white flo
  Carol's Dragon Fly Ranch Home of Carol's Pond February 4, 2024 Several happenings since the last post, a mini reunion, a delivery and a record number of falls. It has been interesting. About the mini reunion, Mark Beasey, a long time friend, since 7 th grade visited for several days and was here for the delivery of Scout. Sorry Mark, Trigger and Blue Boy just didn't seem right. Blue Boy was close but Scout won out. Who is Scout, you ask. Scout is my new power chair. A power chair is controlled by a joy stick while a scooter is controlled by handlebars like the ones at a store. My friend Freda was also here for the delivery and maiden voyage where I promptly ran it through the drywall. Someone asked me if they had drivers education for power chairs, sadly they don't, but I need it. Or did. While Mark was here we took Scout out on the deck. This house is totally handicap accessible and that is great. I can not fit through the door into the guest
Carol's Dragon Fly Ranch Home of Carol's Pond January 26,2024 Well I finally discovered where Whitey hangs out when he is not here. There is a large pond south of me and there were 5 or 6 Great White Egrets all snuggled together trying to stay dry. I doubt if they were successful. But this is my anniversary week. My niece was born on the 24 th , I was honorably discharged from the USAF on the 25 th , I went in the USAF on the 26 th , I was divorced on the 27 th , my Mother passed on the 30 th and my sister on the 31 st . And to top it off I got my new power chair today. And yes I have already hit the wall and put a hole in the drywall. So, this week makes me very nervous. This week there is also a mini Class of 66 reunion here at Carol's Pond. Mark Beasey has driven up from Florida to visit for a few days. He says he is came to visit but I suspect Pam needed a break!!!!! Later, Rex