February 22, 2025

Carol’s Dragonfly Ranch

Home of Carol’s Pond

It has been a cold miserable month here at Carol’s Pond. Below 80 is cold.

But despite the cold I have had several visitors. One of the local Roadrunners has visited twice. Even coming up and looking in the sunroom door. They are a pretty bird. Mostly gray and white to blend in with the brush where they hunt. The other visitors were also from the avian world. I am not sure if they were crows or ravens. Either one is welcome.

On a side note, the Boise Idaho Zoo had a raven that was a character. It would come to the front of the cage, put its wing down like it was injured, ruffle up its feathers trying to look sick and it would then beg for peanuts. I would toss it a peanut and it would gulp it down, shell and all and keep begging. I would toss another one in and it would pick it up, pull up its wing, smooth out the feathers and run to the back of the cage. There it would put down the peanut it was carrying, spit our the first one, crack them and just eat the peanut. When done with its snack, it would run back to the front of the cage and start all over. The Texas crows or ravens like triscuits and a mix of rice crispies and sugar frosted flakes. Late this afternoon, I put out some pepperoni pizza for them. I don’t know if they will eat it, but a raccoon or possum will.

I have also seen the resident deer herd a couple of time in the early evening. There are 6 or 7 in the herd.

There has been so much rain here at Carol’s Pond that Goat Island is about half under water. I don’t know if the the water overflowed the dam but if it did not it was close. I have seen it go over the damn. The flood plain is to the east and I am up on a hill, so I am safe. If this place floods, it will be the second coming of Noah.


  1. That raven is hilarious!! Those guys are pretty smart!!! I tried Rice Krispies about 6 months ago. They are still in the bird feeder!! I think that says something about Rice Krispies!! Glad you are up out of the flood plain. It's been a weird winter. So good to hear from you!!!

  2. Great story, Rex! The only thing I keep seeing is an armadillo. Used to see deer, but haven't seen them in awhile. Hope they are somewhere safe. I just remembered, I used to see a turtle also. We certainly have had some 🥶 weather. So glad we are warming up. I can take heat much better. Curtis got here a week ago and boy did he have a story. All the way from Berthoud to Limon was fog. From Limon to Oakley he had really slick roads. A dozen semi's off and he was sideways with the trailer he was pulling. Couldn't go over 30 or less. Ran into more snow and slick roads by Wichita .had left Berthoud at 5 and didn't make it here till about 8:30. He waa exhausted


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