Carol’s Dragon Fly Ranch
Home of Carol’s Pond
July 10, 2024
Well the big excitement was hurricane Beryl. The Houston area was hit hard. Fortunately that is 4 to 6 hours south of me and all I got was 2 inches of rain. There was very little wind but one of my neighbors closer to County Road 4510 lost a tree that had the road blocked. He has several more that should be removed. Speaking of such, There are 3 pine trees on the east side of me that may belong to me. If so, they are coming out. I like pine trees but some idiot planted them to close to my drive and they have destroyed 2 sections. My neighbor does not want me to take them out, because of the shade they provide. But unless he wants to pay to have my drive fixed, they are coming out.
Some of my live stock (lizards) have been around. I have seen Samantha, Sam Jr. and Sam. I have not seen Jane or Bob. But I did see a Bald Eagle. It and a buzzard were dining on something in a field on County Road 4530. I did not realize that there were any eagles in the neighborhood. There is a resident Red Tail Hawk and an a Spotted Owl (I think).
I have seen 2 dead feral hogs on US 271 between my house and Tyler, Texas.
The neurologist I see is in Tyler. I also went to Tyler to see an acupuncture practitioner. I was not impressed. I came out with more pain than when I went in. I will not be going back. Acupuncture saved my life in 2003. It was get relief or blow my head off and I do not believe in that. There is a practitioner in Longview. Texas and he is useless too. As my spine deteriorates, I now have neuropathy in my legs. I can still walk but I use my power chair or a Rollator Walker now. The good news is this house is totally handicap accessible; from the drive or the garage, inside the front or back door or the garage door and all the way around to the work shop.
Now a word about the LaBolle Family in Lebanon, They are nice people but have had some hard times. Mike’s daughter was killed in a car wreck, notice I did not say accident. It was done on purpose. And then JoNelle left us too soon do a doctors screw up. Mike passed a couple of months ago. And now Jennifer has lost her son to heart disease. That is some damn tough luck. JoNelle and I started first grade together and for a while the three of them and me rode the school bus together.
I had the same tree dilemma. Took them out. Glad your critters are still around and not much damage from the storm. Yeah, the acupuncture guy didn't help me either with severe migraines. The good news is you picked the perfect house to buy ... handicapped accessible. I remember when you bought it. So glad you can get around. As for your friends, I'm very sorry to hear about all the bad luck. It certainly makes you wonder why ....... Take care Rex .....